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Business Introduction

Our Story

Through our shared experiences as colleagues at BDO LLP (Vancouver) we recognized the challenges facing many early stage, or small and medium enterprises. Specifically, the need for financial expertise beyond what traditional bookkeeping could offer. It was clear that the benefits of having a skilled and experienced finance professional were greater than simply balancing the books. Rather, it was the ability to navigate increasingly complex regulatory environments and to provide insights to drive strategic growth. Imperium Consulting LLP is the culmination of our experiences and passion; to help small and medium companies scale and grow.

Our Mission

Our mission is to become your trusted business adviser; to provide exceptional, value-added business and accounting support whenever you need it. 



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With over ten years of extensive experience gained through various roles held in public practice and industry jobs, he helps companies navigate through strategic decision making, regulatory compliance and provides technical expertise in each phase of the company's life cycle. Prior to founding Imperium, Inar obtained his professional designation with Ernst & Young (EY). Inar has served as CFO for a publicly listed  junior resource company, as well as a cryptocurrency investment company.

CPA, CA, Partner


Over ten years of progressive finance experience across various industries including Mining, Technology, Real Estate, Cannabis, Education, and Private Healthcare. Terence obtained his CPA designation while articling at BDO LLP.  He has significant experience in technical accounting and financial reporting under IFRS, as well as financial planning and analysis. Terence has served as CFO for number of companies including a cannabis management group, a private junior resource company, and a private EV manufacturer.

CPA, Partner

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